Source code for

import collections
import logging
import time
from enum import IntEnum
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, cast

from mopidy import exceptions
from import tags as tags_lib
from import utils
from mopidy.internal import log
from import Gst, GstPbutils

class GstElementFactoryListType(IntEnum):
    DECODER = 1 << 0
    AUDIO = 1 << 50
    DEMUXER = 1 << 5
    DEPAYLOADER = 1 << 8
    PARSER = 1 << 6

class GstAutoplugSelectResult(IntEnum):
    TRY = 0
    EXPOSE = 1
    SKIP = 2

_Result = collections.namedtuple(
    "_Result", ("uri", "tags", "duration", "seekable", "mime", "playable")

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _trace(*args, **kwargs):
    logger.log(log.TRACE_LOG_LEVEL, *args, **kwargs)

# TODO: replace with a scan(uri, timeout=1000, proxy_config=None)?
[docs] class Scanner: """Helper to get tags and other relevant info from URIs. :param timeout: timeout for scanning a URI in ms :param proxy_config: dictionary containing proxy config strings. :type event: int """ def __init__(self, timeout=1000, proxy_config=None): self._timeout_ms = int(timeout) self._proxy_config = proxy_config or {}
[docs] def scan(self, uri, timeout=None): """Scan the given uri collecting relevant metadata. :param uri: URI of the resource to scan. :type uri: string :param timeout: timeout for scanning a URI in ms. Defaults to the ``timeout`` value used when creating the scanner. :type timeout: int :return: A named tuple containing ``(uri, tags, duration, seekable, mime)``. ``tags`` is a dictionary of lists for all the tags we found. ``duration`` is the length of the URI in milliseconds, or :class:`None` if the URI has no duration. ``seekable`` is boolean. indicating if a seek would succeed. """ timeout = int(timeout or self._timeout_ms) tags, duration, seekable, mime = None, None, None, None pipeline, signals = _setup_pipeline(uri, self._proxy_config) try: _start_pipeline(pipeline) tags, mime, have_audio, duration = _process(pipeline, timeout) seekable = _query_seekable(pipeline) finally: signals.clear() pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.NULL) del pipeline return _Result(uri, tags, duration, seekable, mime, have_audio)
# Turns out it's _much_ faster to just create a new pipeline for every as # decodebins and other elements don't seem to take well to being reused. def _setup_pipeline(uri: str, proxy_config=None) -> tuple[Gst.Pipeline, utils.Signals]: src = Gst.Element.make_from_uri(Gst.URIType.SRC, uri) if not src: raise exceptions.ScannerError(f"GStreamer can not open: {uri}") if proxy_config: utils.setup_proxy(src, proxy_config) signals = utils.Signals() pipeline = Gst.ElementFactory.make("pipeline") if pipeline is None: raise exceptions.AudioException("Failed to create GStreamer pipeline element.") pipeline = cast(Gst.Pipeline, pipeline) pipeline.add(src) if _has_src_pads(src): _setup_decodebin(src, src.get_static_pad("src"), pipeline, signals) elif _has_dynamic_src_pad(src): signals.connect(src, "pad-added", _setup_decodebin, pipeline, signals) else: raise exceptions.ScannerError("No pads found in source element.") return pipeline, signals def _has_src_pads(element): pads = [] element.iterate_src_pads().foreach(pads.append) return bool(pads) def _has_dynamic_src_pad(element): for template in element.get_pad_template_list(): if ( template.direction == Gst.PadDirection.SRC and template.presence == Gst.PadPresence.SOMETIMES ): return True return False def _setup_decodebin(element, pad, pipeline, signals): typefind = Gst.ElementFactory.make("typefind") if typefind is None: raise exceptions.AudioException("Failed to create GStreamer typefind element.") decodebin = Gst.ElementFactory.make("decodebin") if decodebin is None: raise exceptions.AudioException("Failed to create GStreamer decodebin element.") for element in (typefind, decodebin): pipeline.add(element) element.sync_state_with_parent()"sink")) signals.connect(typefind, "have-type", _have_type, decodebin) signals.connect(decodebin, "pad-added", _pad_added, pipeline) signals.connect(decodebin, "autoplug-select", _autoplug_select) def _have_type( element: Gst.Element, _probability: int, caps: Gst.Caps, decodebin: Gst.Bin, ) -> None: decodebin.set_property("sink-caps", caps) struct = Gst.Structure.new_empty("have-type") struct.set_value("caps", caps.get_structure(0)) element_bus = element.get_bus() if element_bus is None: raise exceptions.AudioException("Failed to get bus of GStreamer element.") message = Gst.Message.new_application(element, struct) if message is None: raise exceptions.AudioException("Failed to create GStreamer message.") def _pad_added( element: Gst.Element, pad: Gst.Pad, pipeline: Gst.Pipeline, ) -> None: fakesink = Gst.ElementFactory.make("fakesink") if fakesink is None: raise exceptions.AudioException("Failed to create GStreamer fakesink element.") fakesink.set_property("sync", False) pipeline.add(fakesink) fakesink.sync_state_with_parent() fakesink_sink = fakesink.get_static_pad("sink") if fakesink_sink is None: raise exceptions.AudioException("Failed to get sink pad of GStreamer fakesink.") raw_caps = Gst.Caps.from_string("audio/x-raw") assert raw_caps if pad.query_caps().is_subset(raw_caps): # Probably won't happen due to autoplug-select fix, but lets play it # safe until we've tested more. struct = Gst.Structure.new_empty("have-audio") element_bus = element.get_bus() if element_bus is None: raise exceptions.AudioException("Failed to get bus of GStreamer element.") message = Gst.Message.new_application(element, struct) if message is None: raise exceptions.AudioException("Failed to create GStreamer message.") def _autoplug_select( element: Gst.Element, _pad: Gst.Pad, _caps: Gst.Caps, factory: Gst.ElementFactory, ) -> GstAutoplugSelectResult: if factory.list_is_type( GstElementFactoryListType.DECODER | GstElementFactoryListType.AUDIO ): struct = Gst.Structure.new_empty("have-audio") element_bus = element.get_bus() if element_bus is None: raise exceptions.AudioException("Failed to get bus of GStreamer element.") message = Gst.Message.new_application(element, struct) if message is None: raise exceptions.AudioException("Failed to create GStreamer message.") if not factory.list_is_type( GstElementFactoryListType.DEMUXER | GstElementFactoryListType.DEPAYLOADER | GstElementFactoryListType.PARSER ): return GstAutoplugSelectResult.EXPOSE return GstAutoplugSelectResult.TRY def _start_pipeline(pipeline: Gst.Pipeline) -> None: result = pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PAUSED) if result == Gst.StateChangeReturn.NO_PREROLL: pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING) def _query_duration(pipeline: Gst.Pipeline) -> tuple[bool, int | None]: success, duration = pipeline.query_duration(Gst.Format.TIME) if not success: duration = None # Make sure error case preserves None. elif duration < 0: duration = None # Stream without duration. else: duration = int(duration // Gst.MSECOND) return success, duration def _query_seekable(pipeline: Gst.Pipeline) -> bool: query = Gst.Query.new_seeking(Gst.Format.TIME) pipeline.query(query) return query.parse_seeking()[1] def _process( # noqa: C901, PLR0911, PLR0912, PLR0915 pipeline: Gst.Pipeline, timeout_ms: int, ) -> tuple[dict[str, Any], str | None, bool, int | None]: bus = pipeline.get_bus() tags = {} mime: str | None = None have_audio = False missing_message = None duration = None types = ( Gst.MessageType.ELEMENT | Gst.MessageType.APPLICATION | Gst.MessageType.ERROR | Gst.MessageType.EOS | Gst.MessageType.ASYNC_DONE | Gst.MessageType.DURATION_CHANGED | Gst.MessageType.TAG ) timeout = timeout_ms start = int(time.time() * 1000) while timeout > 0: msg = bus.timed_pop_filtered(timeout * Gst.MSECOND, types) if msg is None: break structure = msg.get_structure() if logger.isEnabledFor(log.TRACE_LOG_LEVEL) and structure: debug_text = structure.to_string() if len(debug_text) > 77: debug_text = debug_text[:77] + "..." _trace("element %s: %s", msg.src.get_name(), debug_text) if msg.type == Gst.MessageType.ELEMENT: if GstPbutils.is_missing_plugin_message(msg): missing_message = msg elif msg.type == Gst.MessageType.APPLICATION: if structure and structure.get_name() == "have-type": caps = cast(Gst.Caps | None, structure.get_value("caps")) if caps: mime = cast( str, caps.get_name(), # pyright: ignore[reportAttributeAccessIssue] ) if mime.startswith("text/") or mime == "application/xml": return tags, mime, have_audio, duration elif structure and structure.get_name() == "have-audio": have_audio = True elif msg.type == Gst.MessageType.ERROR: error, _debug = msg.parse_error() if ( missing_message and not mime and ( (structure := missing_message.get_structure()) and (caps := structure.get_value("detail")) and (mime := caps.get_structure(0).get_name()) ) ): return tags, mime, have_audio, duration raise exceptions.ScannerError(str(error)) elif msg.type == Gst.MessageType.EOS: return tags, mime, have_audio, duration elif msg.type == Gst.MessageType.ASYNC_DONE: success, duration = _query_duration(pipeline) if tags and success: return tags, mime, have_audio, duration # Don't try workaround for non-seekable sources such as mmssrc: if not _query_seekable(pipeline): return tags, mime, have_audio, duration # Workaround for upstream bug which causes tags/duration to arrive # after pre-roll. We get around this by starting to play the track # and then waiting for a duration change. # logger.debug("Using workaround for duration missing before play.") result = pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING) if result == Gst.StateChangeReturn.FAILURE: return tags, mime, have_audio, duration elif msg.type == Gst.MessageType.DURATION_CHANGED and tags: # VBR formats sometimes seem to not have a duration by the time we # go back to paused. So just try to get it right away. success, duration = _query_duration(pipeline) pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PAUSED) if success: return tags, mime, have_audio, duration elif msg.type == Gst.MessageType.TAG: taglist = msg.parse_tag() # Note that this will only keep the last tag. tags.update(tags_lib.convert_taglist(taglist)) timeout = timeout_ms - (int(time.time() * 1000) - start) raise exceptions.ScannerError(f"Timeout after {timeout_ms:d}ms") if __name__ == "__main__": import sys from mopidy.internal import path logging.basicConfig( format="%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)s %(message)s", level=log.TRACE_LOG_LEVEL, ) scanner = Scanner(5000) for uri in sys.argv[1:]: if not Gst.uri_is_valid(uri): uri = path.path_to_uri(Path(uri).resolve()) try: result = scanner.scan(uri) for key in ("uri", "mime", "duration", "playable", "seekable"): value = getattr(result, key) print(f"{key:<20} {value}") # noqa: T201 print("tags") # noqa: T201 for tag, value in result.tags.items(): line = f"{tag:<20} {value}" if len(line) > 77: line = line[:77] + "..." print(line) # noqa: T201 except exceptions.ScannerError as error: print(f"{uri}: {error}") # noqa: T201