Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

from import Callable
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, cast

from mopidy import httpclient
from import Gst
from mopidy.types import DurationMs, UriScheme

    from import Iterable

    from mopidy.config import ProxyConfig

[docs] def millisecond_to_clocktime(value: DurationMs) -> int: """Convert a millisecond time to internal GStreamer time.""" return value * Gst.MSECOND
[docs] def clocktime_to_millisecond(value: int) -> DurationMs: """Convert an internal GStreamer time to millisecond time.""" return DurationMs(value // Gst.MSECOND)
[docs] def supported_uri_schemes(uri_schemes: Iterable[UriScheme]) -> set[UriScheme]: """Determine which URIs we can actually support from provided whitelist. :param uri_schemes: list/set of URIs to check support for. """ supported_schemes = set() registry = Gst.Registry.get() for factory in registry.get_feature_list(Gst.ElementFactory): factory = cast(Gst.ElementFactory, factory) for uri_protocol in factory.get_uri_protocols(): uri_scheme = UriScheme(uri_protocol) if uri_scheme in uri_schemes: supported_schemes.add(uri_scheme) return supported_schemes
[docs] def setup_proxy(element: Gst.Element, config: ProxyConfig) -> None: """Configure a GStreamer element with proxy settings. :param element: element to setup proxy in. :param config: proxy settings to use. """ if not hasattr(element.props, "proxy") or not config.get("hostname"): return element.set_property("proxy", httpclient.format_proxy(config, auth=False)) element.set_property("proxy-id", config.get("username")) element.set_property("proxy-pw", config.get("password"))
[docs] class Signals: """Helper for tracking gobject signal registrations.""" def __init__(self) -> None: self._ids: dict[tuple[Gst.Element, str], int] = {}
[docs] def connect( self, element: Gst.Element, event: str, func: Callable, *args: Any, ) -> None: """Connect a function + args to signal event on an element. Each event may only be handled by one callback in this implementation. """ if (element, event) in self._ids: raise AssertionError self._ids[(element, event)] = element.connect(event, func, *args)
[docs] def disconnect(self, element: Gst.Element, event: str) -> None: """Disconnect whatever handler we have for an element+event pair. Does nothing it the handler has already been removed. """ signal_id = self._ids.pop((element, event), None) if signal_id is not None: element.disconnect(signal_id)
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """Clear all registered signal handlers.""" for element, event in list(self._ids): element.disconnect(self._ids.pop((element, event)))