Source code for mopidy.config.schemas

import collections
from typing import Any

from mopidy.config import types

def _did_you_mean(name, choices):
    """Suggest most likely setting based on levenshtein."""
    if not choices:
        return None

    name = name.lower()
    candidates = [(_levenshtein(name, c), c) for c in choices]

    if candidates[0][0] <= 3:
        return candidates[0][1]
    return None

def _levenshtein(a, b):
    """Calculates the Levenshtein distance between a and b."""
    n, m = len(a), len(b)
    if n > m:
        return _levenshtein(b, a)

    current = range(n + 1)
    for i in range(1, m + 1):
        previous, current = current, [i] + [0] * n
        for j in range(1, n + 1):
            add, delete = previous[j] + 1, current[j - 1] + 1
            change = previous[j - 1]
            if a[j - 1] != b[i - 1]:
                change += 1
            current[j] = min(add, delete, change)
    return current[n]

[docs] class ConfigSchema(collections.OrderedDict): """Logical group of config values that correspond to a config section. Schemas are set up by assigning config keys with config values to instances. Once setup :meth:`deserialize` can be called with a dict of values to process. For convienience we also support :meth:`format` method that can used for converting the values to a dict that can be printed and :meth:`serialize` for converting the values to a form suitable for persistence. """ def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: super().__init__() = name
[docs] def deserialize( self, values: dict[str, Any], ) -> tuple[dict[str, Any], dict[str, Any]]: """Validates the given ``values`` using the config schema. Returns a tuple with cleaned values and errors. """ errors: dict[str, Any] = {} result: dict[str, Any] = {} for key, value in values.items(): try: result[key] = self[key].deserialize(value) except KeyError: # not in our schema errors[key] = "unknown config key." suggestion = _did_you_mean(key, self.keys()) if suggestion: errors[key] += f" Did you mean {suggestion!r}?" except ValueError as e: # deserialization failed result[key] = None errors[key] = str(e) for key in self.keys(): if isinstance(self[key], types.Deprecated): result.pop(key, None) elif key not in result and key not in errors: result[key] = None errors[key] = "config key not found." return result, errors
[docs] def serialize( self, values: dict[str, Any], display: bool = False, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Converts the given ``values`` to a format suitable for persistence. If ``display`` is :class:`True` secret config values, like passwords, will be masked out. Returns a dict of config keys and values. """ result = collections.OrderedDict() for key in self.keys(): if key in values: result[key] = self[key].serialize(values[key], display) return result
[docs] class MapConfigSchema: """Schema for handling multiple unknown keys with the same type. Does not sub-class :class:`ConfigSchema`, but implements the same serialize/deserialize interface. """ def __init__(self, name: str, value_type: types.ConfigValue) -> None: = name self._value_type = value_type def deserialize( self, values: dict[str, Any], ) -> tuple[dict[str, Any], dict[str, Any]]: errors: dict[str, Any] = {} result: dict[str, Any] = {} for key, value in values.items(): try: result[key] = self._value_type.deserialize(value) except ValueError as e: # deserialization failed result[key] = None errors[key] = str(e) return result, errors def serialize( self, values: dict[str, Any], display: bool = False, ) -> dict[str, Any]: result = collections.OrderedDict() for key in sorted(values.keys()): result[key] = self._value_type.serialize(values[key], display) return result