Source code for mopidy.core.library

from __future__ import annotations

import collections
import contextlib
import logging
import operator
import urllib.parse
from import Generator, Iterable, Mapping
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, cast

from pykka.typing import proxy_method

from mopidy import exceptions
from mopidy.internal import deprecation, validation
from mopidy.models import Image, Ref, SearchResult, Track
from mopidy.types import DistinctField, Query, SearchField, Uri, UriScheme

    from mopidy.backend import BackendProxy
    from import Backends, Core

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _backend_error_handling(
    backend: BackendProxy,
    reraise: None | (type[Exception] | tuple[type[Exception], ...]) = None,
) -> Generator[None, Any, None]:
    except exceptions.ValidationError as e:
            "%s backend returned bad data: %s",
    except Exception as e:
        if reraise and isinstance(e, reraise):
            "%s backend caused an exception.",

class LibraryController:
    def __init__(self, backends: Backends, core: Core) -> None:
        self.backends = backends
        self.core = core

    def _get_backend(self, uri: Uri) -> BackendProxy | None:
        uri_scheme = UriScheme(urllib.parse.urlparse(uri).scheme)
        return self.backends.with_library.get(uri_scheme, None)

    def _get_backends_to_uris(
        uris: Iterable[Uri] | None,
    ) -> dict[BackendProxy, list[Uri] | None]:
        if not uris:
            return {b: None for b in self.backends.with_library.values()}

        result: dict[BackendProxy, list[Uri] | None] = collections.defaultdict(list)
        for uri in uris:
            backend = self._get_backend(uri)
            if backend is not None:
                lst = result[backend]
                assert lst is not None
        return result

[docs] def browse(self, uri: Uri | None) -> list[Ref]: """Browse directories and tracks at the given ``uri``. ``uri`` is a string which represents some directory belonging to a backend. To get the intial root directories for backends pass :class:`None` as the URI. Returns a list of :class:`mopidy.models.Ref` objects for the directories and tracks at the given ``uri``. The :class:`~mopidy.models.Ref` objects representing tracks keep the track's original URI. A matching pair of objects can look like this:: Track(uri='dummy:/foo.mp3', name='foo', artists=..., album=...) Ref.track(uri='dummy:/foo.mp3', name='foo') The :class:`~mopidy.models.Ref` objects representing directories have backend specific URIs. These are opaque values, so no one but the backend that created them should try and derive any meaning from them. The only valid exception to this is checking the scheme, as it is used to route browse requests to the correct backend. For example, the dummy library's ``/bar`` directory could be returned like this::'dummy:directory:/bar', name='bar') :param uri: URI to browse .. versionadded:: 0.18 """ if uri is None: return self._roots() if not uri.strip(): return [] validation.check_uri(uri) return self._browse(uri)
def _roots(self) -> list[Ref]: directories = set() backends = self.backends.with_library_browse.values() futures = {b: b.library.root_directory for b in backends} for backend, future in futures.items(): with _backend_error_handling(backend): root = future.get() validation.check_instance(root, Ref) directories.add(root) return sorted(directories, key=operator.attrgetter("name")) def _browse(self, uri: Uri) -> list[Ref]: scheme = UriScheme(urllib.parse.urlparse(uri).scheme) backend = self.backends.with_library_browse.get(scheme) if not backend: return [] with _backend_error_handling(backend): result = backend.library.browse(uri).get() validation.check_instances(result, Ref) return result return []
[docs] def get_distinct( self, field: DistinctField, query: Query[SearchField] | None = None, ) -> set[Any]: """List distinct values for a given field from the library. This has mainly been added to support the list commands the MPD protocol supports in a more sane fashion. Other frontends are not recommended to use this method. Returns set of values corresponding to the requested field type. :param field: Any one of ``uri``, ``track_name``, ``album``, ``artist``, ``albumartist``, ``composer``, ``performer``, ``track_no``, ``genre``, ``date``, ``comment``, ``disc_no``, ``musicbrainz_albumid``, ``musicbrainz_artistid``, or ``musicbrainz_trackid``. :param query: Query to use for limiting results, see :meth:`search` for details about the query format. .. versionadded:: 1.0 """ if field == "track": deprecation.warn( f"core.library.get_distinct:field_arg:{field}", pending=False, ) field_type = str else: validation.check_choice(field, validation.DISTINCT_FIELDS.keys()) field_type = validation.DISTINCT_FIELDS.get(field) if query is not None: validation.check_query(query) # TODO: normalize? compat_field = cast(DistinctField, {"track_name": "track"}.get(field, field)) result = set() futures = { b: b.library.get_distinct(compat_field, query) for b in self.backends.with_library.values() } for backend, future in futures.items(): with _backend_error_handling(backend): values = future.get() if values is not None: if field_type is not None: validation.check_instances(values, field_type) result.update(values) return result
[docs] def get_images(self, uris: Iterable[Uri]) -> dict[Uri, tuple[Image, ...]]: """Lookup the images for the given URIs. Backends can use this to return image URIs for any URI they know about be it tracks, albums, playlists. The lookup result is a dictionary mapping the provided URIs to lists of images. Unknown URIs or URIs the corresponding backend couldn't find anything for will simply return an empty list for that URI. :param uris: list of URIs to find images for .. versionadded:: 1.0 """ validation.check_uris(uris) futures = { backend: backend.library.get_images(backend_uris) for (backend, backend_uris) in self._get_backends_to_uris(uris).items() if backend_uris } results: dict[Uri, tuple[Image, ...]] = {uri: () for uri in uris} for backend, future in futures.items(): with _backend_error_handling(backend): if future.get() is None: continue validation.check_instance(future.get(), Mapping) for uri, images in future.get().items(): if uri not in uris: raise exceptions.ValidationError( f"Got unknown image URI: {uri}" ) validation.check_instances(images, Image) results[uri] += tuple(images) return results
[docs] def lookup(self, uris: Iterable[Uri]) -> dict[Uri, list[Track]]: """Lookup the given URIs. If the URI expands to multiple tracks, the returned list will contain them all. :param uris: track URIs """ validation.check_uris(uris) futures = { backend: backend.library.lookup_many(backend_uris) for (backend, backend_uris) in self._get_backends_to_uris(uris).items() if backend_uris } results = {u: [] for u in uris} for backend, future in futures.items(): with _backend_error_handling(backend): result = future.get() if result is not None: validation.check_instance(result, Mapping) for uri, tracks in result.items(): # TODO Consider making Track.uri field mandatory, and # then remove this filtering of tracks without URIs. validation.check_instances(tracks, Track) results[uri] = [track for track in tracks if track.uri] return results
[docs] def refresh(self, uri: Uri | None = None) -> None: """Refresh library. Limit to URI and below if an URI is given. :param uri: directory or track URI """ if uri is not None: validation.check_uri(uri) futures = {} backends = {} uri_scheme = urllib.parse.urlparse(uri).scheme if uri else None for backend_scheme, backend in self.backends.with_library.items(): backends.setdefault(backend, set()).add(backend_scheme) for backend, backend_schemes in backends.items(): if uri_scheme is None or uri_scheme in backend_schemes: futures[backend] = backend.library.refresh(uri) for backend, future in futures.items(): with _backend_error_handling(backend): future.get()
[docs] def search( self, query: Query[SearchField], uris: Iterable[Uri] | None = None, exact: bool = False, ) -> list[SearchResult]: """Search the library for tracks where ``field`` contains ``values``. If ``uris`` is given, the search is limited to results from within the URI roots. For example passing ``uris=['file:']`` will limit the search to the local backend. Examples:: # Returns results matching 'a' in any backend search({'any': ['a']}) # Returns results matching artist 'xyz' in any backend search({'artist': ['xyz']}) # Returns results matching 'a' and 'b' and artist 'xyz' in any # backend search({'any': ['a', 'b'], 'artist': ['xyz']}) # Returns results matching 'a' if within the given URI roots # "file:///media/music" and "spotify:" search({'any': ['a']}, uris=['file:///media/music', 'spotify:']) # Returns results matching artist 'xyz' and 'abc' in any backend search({'artist': ['xyz', 'abc']}) :param query: one or more queries to search for :param uris: zero or more URI roots to limit the search to :param exact: if the search should use exact matching .. versionadded:: 1.0 The ``exact`` keyword argument. """ query = _normalize_query(query) if uris is not None: validation.check_uris(uris) validation.check_query(query) validation.check_boolean(exact) if not query: return [] futures = {} for backend, backend_uris in self._get_backends_to_uris(uris).items(): futures[backend] = query=query, uris=backend_uris, exact=exact ) # Some of our tests check for LookupError to catch bad queries. This is # silly and should be replaced with query validation before passing it # to the backends. reraise = (TypeError, LookupError) results = [] for backend, future in futures.items(): try: with _backend_error_handling(backend, reraise=reraise): result = future.get() if result is not None: validation.check_instance(result, SearchResult) results.append(result) except TypeError: backend_name = backend.actor_ref.actor_class.__name__ logger.warning( '%s does not implement with "exact" ' "support. Please upgrade it.", backend_name, ) return results
def _normalize_query(query: Query[SearchField]) -> Query[SearchField]: broken_client = False # TODO: this breaks if query is not a dictionary like object... for field, values in query.items(): if isinstance(values, str): broken_client = True query[field] = [values] if broken_client: logger.warning( "A client or frontend made a broken library search. Values in " "queries must be lists of strings, not a string. Please check what" " sent this query and file a bug. Query: %s", query, ) if not query: logger.warning( "A client or frontend made a library search with an empty query. " "This is strongly discouraged. Please check what sent this query " "and file a bug." ) return query class LibraryControllerProxy: browse = proxy_method(LibraryController.browse) get_distinct = proxy_method(LibraryController.get_distinct) get_images = proxy_method(LibraryController.get_images) lookup = proxy_method(LibraryController.lookup) refresh = proxy_method(LibraryController.refresh) search = proxy_method(