Source code for mopidy.ext

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from import Mapping
from importlib import metadata
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, NamedTuple

from mopidy import config as config_lib
from mopidy import exceptions
from mopidy.internal import path

    from import Iterator
    from pathlib import Path
    from typing import Any, TypeAlias

    from mopidy.commands import Command
    from mopidy.config import ConfigSchema

    Config = dict[str, dict[str, Any]]
    RegistryEntry: TypeAlias = type[Any] | dict[str, Any]

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ExtensionData(NamedTuple): extension: Extension entry_point: Any config_schema: ConfigSchema config_defaults: Any command: Command | None
[docs] class Extension: """Base class for Mopidy extensions.""" dist_name: str """The extension's distribution name, as registered on PyPI Example: ``Mopidy-Soundspot`` """ ext_name: str """The extension's short name, as used in and as config section name Example: ``soundspot`` """ version: str """The extension's version Should match the :attr:`__version__` attribute on the extension's main Python module and the version registered on PyPI. """
[docs] def get_default_config(self) -> str: """The extension's default config as a text string. :returns: str """ raise NotImplementedError('Add at least a config section with "enabled = true"')
[docs] def get_config_schema(self) -> ConfigSchema: """The extension's config validation schema. :returns: :class:`~mopidy.config.schemas.ConfigSchema` """ schema = config_lib.ConfigSchema(self.ext_name) schema["enabled"] = config_lib.Boolean() return schema
[docs] @classmethod def check_attr(cls) -> None: """Check if ext_name exist.""" if not hasattr(cls, "ext_name") or cls.ext_name is None: raise AttributeError(f"{cls} not an extension or ext_name missing!")
[docs] @classmethod def get_cache_dir(cls, config: Config) -> Path: """Get or create cache directory for the extension. Use this directory to cache data that can safely be thrown away. :param config: the Mopidy config object :return: pathlib.Path """ cls.check_attr() cache_dir_path = path.expand_path(config["core"]["cache_dir"]) / cls.ext_name path.get_or_create_dir(cache_dir_path) return cache_dir_path
[docs] @classmethod def get_config_dir(cls, config: Config) -> Path: """Get or create configuration directory for the extension. :param config: the Mopidy config object :return: pathlib.Path """ cls.check_attr() config_dir_path = path.expand_path(config["core"]["config_dir"]) / cls.ext_name path.get_or_create_dir(config_dir_path) return config_dir_path
[docs] @classmethod def get_data_dir(cls, config: Config) -> Path: """Get or create data directory for the extension. Use this directory to store data that should be persistent. :param config: the Mopidy config object :returns: pathlib.Path """ cls.check_attr() data_dir_path = path.expand_path(config["core"]["data_dir"]) / cls.ext_name path.get_or_create_dir(data_dir_path) return data_dir_path
[docs] def get_command(self) -> Command | None: """Command to expose to command line users running ``mopidy``. :returns: Instance of a :class:`~mopidy.commands.Command` class. """
[docs] def validate_environment(self) -> None: """Checks if the extension can run in the current environment. Dependencies described by :file:`` are checked by Mopidy, so you should not check their presence here. If a problem is found, raise :exc:`~mopidy.exceptions.ExtensionError` with a message explaining the issue. :raises: :exc:`~mopidy.exceptions.ExtensionError` :returns: :class:`None` """
[docs] def setup(self, registry: Registry) -> None: """Register the extension's components in the extension :class:`Registry`. For example, to register a backend:: def setup(self, registry): from .backend import SoundspotBackend registry.add('backend', SoundspotBackend) See :class:`Registry` for a list of registry keys with a special meaning. Mopidy will instantiate and start any classes registered under the ``frontend`` and ``backend`` registry keys. This method can also be used for other setup tasks not involving the extension registry. :param registry: the extension registry :type registry: :class:`Registry` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class Registry(Mapping): """Registry of components provided by Mopidy extensions. Passed to the :meth:`~Extension.setup` method of all extensions. The registry can be used like a dict of string keys and lists. Some keys have a special meaning, including, but not limited to: - ``backend`` is used for Mopidy backend classes. - ``frontend`` is used for Mopidy frontend classes. Extensions can use the registry for allow other to extend the extension itself. For example the ``Mopidy-Local`` historically used the ``local:library`` key to allow other extensions to register library providers for ``Mopidy-Local`` to use. Extensions should namespace custom keys with the extension's :attr:`~Extension.ext_name`, e.g. ``local:foo`` or ``http:bar``. """ def __init__(self) -> None: self._registry: dict[str, list[RegistryEntry]] = {}
[docs] def add(self, name: str, entry: RegistryEntry) -> None: """Add a component to the registry. Multiple classes can be registered to the same name. """ self._registry.setdefault(name, []).append(entry)
def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> list[RegistryEntry]: return self._registry.setdefault(name, []) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: return iter(self._registry) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._registry)
[docs] def load_extensions() -> list[ExtensionData]: """Find all installed extensions. :returns: list of installed extensions """ installed_extensions = [] for entry_point in metadata.entry_points(group="mopidy.ext"): logger.debug("Loading entry point: %s", entry_point) try: extension_class = entry_point.load() except Exception: logger.exception(f"Failed to load extension {}.") continue try: if not issubclass(extension_class, Extension): raise TypeError # noqa: TRY301 except TypeError: logger.error( "Entry point %s did not contain a valid extension class: %r",, extension_class, ) continue try: extension = extension_class() # Ensure required extension attributes are present after try block _ = extension.dist_name _ = extension.ext_name _ = extension.version extension_data = ExtensionData( entry_point=entry_point, extension=extension, config_schema=extension.get_config_schema(), config_defaults=extension.get_default_config(), command=extension.get_command(), ) except Exception: logger.exception( "Setup of extension from entry point %s failed, ignoring extension.",, ) continue installed_extensions.append(extension_data) logger.debug("Loaded extension: %s %s", extension.dist_name, extension.version) names = (ed.extension.ext_name for ed in installed_extensions) logger.debug("Discovered extensions: %s", ", ".join(names)) return installed_extensions
[docs] def validate_extension_data(data: ExtensionData) -> bool: # noqa: PLR0911 """Verify extension's dependencies and environment. :param extensions: an extension to check :returns: if extension should be run """ logger.debug("Validating extension: %s", data.extension.ext_name) if data.extension.ext_name != logger.warning( "Disabled extension %(ep)s: entry point name (%(ep)s) " "does not match extension name (%(ext)s)", {"ep":, "ext": data.extension.ext_name}, ) return False try: data.entry_point.load() except ModuleNotFoundError as exc: "Disabled extension %s: Exception %s", data.extension.ext_name, exc, ) # Remark: There are no version check, so any version is accepted # this is a difference to pkg_resources, and affect debugging. return False try: data.extension.validate_environment() except exceptions.ExtensionError as exc:"Disabled extension %s: %s", data.extension.ext_name, exc) return False except Exception: logger.exception( "Validating extension %s failed with an exception.", data.extension.ext_name, ) return False if not data.config_schema: logger.error( "Extension %s does not have a config schema, disabling.", data.extension.ext_name, ) return False if not isinstance(data.config_schema.get("enabled"), config_lib.Boolean): logger.error( 'Extension %s does not have the required "enabled" config' " option, disabling.", data.extension.ext_name, ) return False for key, value in data.config_schema.items(): if not isinstance(value, config_lib.ConfigValue): logger.error( "Extension %s config schema contains an invalid value" ' for the option "%s", disabling.', data.extension.ext_name, key, ) return False if not data.config_defaults: logger.error( "Extension %s does not have a default config, disabling.", data.extension.ext_name, ) return False return True