Source code for mopidy.ext

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from import Mapping
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, NamedTuple

import pkg_resources

from mopidy import config as config_lib
from mopidy import exceptions
from mopidy.internal import path

    from pathlib import Path
    from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Type

    from mopidy.commands import Command
    from mopidy.config import ConfigSchema

    Config = Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ExtensionData(NamedTuple): extension: "Extension" entry_point: Any config_schema: ConfigSchema config_defaults: Any command: Optional[Command]
[docs] class Extension: """Base class for Mopidy extensions""" dist_name: str """The extension's distribution name, as registered on PyPI Example: ``Mopidy-Soundspot`` """ ext_name: str """The extension's short name, as used in and as config section name Example: ``soundspot`` """ version: str """The extension's version Should match the :attr:`__version__` attribute on the extension's main Python module and the version registered on PyPI. """
[docs] def get_default_config(self) -> str: """The extension's default config as a text string. :returns: str """ raise NotImplementedError( 'Add at least a config section with "enabled = true"' )
[docs] def get_config_schema(self) -> ConfigSchema: """The extension's config validation schema :returns: :class:`~mopidy.config.schemas.ConfigSchema` """ schema = config_lib.ConfigSchema(self.ext_name) schema["enabled"] = config_lib.Boolean() return schema
[docs] @classmethod def get_cache_dir(cls, config: Config) -> Path: """Get or create cache directory for the extension. Use this directory to cache data that can safely be thrown away. :param config: the Mopidy config object :return: pathlib.Path """ if cls.ext_name is None: raise AssertionError cache_dir_path = ( path.expand_path(config["core"]["cache_dir"]) / cls.ext_name ) path.get_or_create_dir(cache_dir_path) return cache_dir_path
[docs] @classmethod def get_config_dir(cls, config: Config) -> Path: """Get or create configuration directory for the extension. :param config: the Mopidy config object :return: pathlib.Path """ if cls.ext_name is None: raise AssertionError config_dir_path = ( path.expand_path(config["core"]["config_dir"]) / cls.ext_name ) path.get_or_create_dir(config_dir_path) return config_dir_path
[docs] @classmethod def get_data_dir(cls, config: Config) -> Path: """Get or create data directory for the extension. Use this directory to store data that should be persistent. :param config: the Mopidy config object :returns: pathlib.Path """ if cls.ext_name is None: raise AssertionError data_dir_path = ( path.expand_path(config["core"]["data_dir"]) / cls.ext_name ) path.get_or_create_dir(data_dir_path) return data_dir_path
[docs] def get_command(self) -> Optional[Command]: """Command to expose to command line users running ``mopidy``. :returns: Instance of a :class:`~mopidy.commands.Command` class. """ pass
[docs] def validate_environment(self) -> None: """Checks if the extension can run in the current environment. Dependencies described by :file:`` are checked by Mopidy, so you should not check their presence here. If a problem is found, raise :exc:`~mopidy.exceptions.ExtensionError` with a message explaining the issue. :raises: :exc:`~mopidy.exceptions.ExtensionError` :returns: :class:`None` """ pass
[docs] def setup(self, registry: "Registry") -> None: """ Register the extension's components in the extension :class:`Registry`. For example, to register a backend:: def setup(self, registry): from .backend import SoundspotBackend registry.add('backend', SoundspotBackend) See :class:`Registry` for a list of registry keys with a special meaning. Mopidy will instantiate and start any classes registered under the ``frontend`` and ``backend`` registry keys. This method can also be used for other setup tasks not involving the extension registry. :param registry: the extension registry :type registry: :class:`Registry` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class Registry(Mapping): """Registry of components provided by Mopidy extensions. Passed to the :meth:`~Extension.setup` method of all extensions. The registry can be used like a dict of string keys and lists. Some keys have a special meaning, including, but not limited to: - ``backend`` is used for Mopidy backend classes. - ``frontend`` is used for Mopidy frontend classes. Extensions can use the registry for allow other to extend the extension itself. For example the ``Mopidy-Local`` historically used the ``local:library`` key to allow other extensions to register library providers for ``Mopidy-Local`` to use. Extensions should namespace custom keys with the extension's :attr:`~Extension.ext_name`, e.g. ``local:foo`` or ``http:bar``. """ def __init__(self) -> None: self._registry: Dict[str, List[Type[Any]]] = {}
[docs] def add(self, name: str, cls: Type[Any]) -> None: """Add a component to the registry. Multiple classes can be registered to the same name. """ self._registry.setdefault(name, []).append(cls)
def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> List[Type[Any]]: return self._registry.setdefault(name, []) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: return iter(self._registry) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._registry)
[docs] def load_extensions() -> List[ExtensionData]: """Find all installed extensions. :returns: list of installed extensions """ installed_extensions = [] for entry_point in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points("mopidy.ext"): logger.debug("Loading entry point: %s", entry_point) try: extension_class = entry_point.resolve() except Exception as e: logger.exception( f"Failed to load extension {}: {e}" ) continue try: if not issubclass(extension_class, Extension): raise TypeError # issubclass raises TypeError on non-class except TypeError: logger.error( "Entry point %s did not contain a valid extension" "class: %r",, extension_class, ) continue try: extension = extension_class() # Ensure required extension attributes are present after try block _ = extension.dist_name _ = extension.ext_name _ = extension.version extension_data = ExtensionData( entry_point=entry_point, extension=extension, config_schema=extension.get_config_schema(), config_defaults=extension.get_default_config(), command=extension.get_command(), ) except Exception: logger.exception( "Setup of extension from entry point %s failed, " "ignoring extension.",, ) continue installed_extensions.append(extension_data) logger.debug( "Loaded extension: %s %s", extension.dist_name, extension.version ) names = (ed.extension.ext_name for ed in installed_extensions) logger.debug("Discovered extensions: %s", ", ".join(names)) return installed_extensions
[docs] def validate_extension_data(data: ExtensionData) -> bool: """Verify extension's dependencies and environment. :param extensions: an extension to check :returns: if extension should be run """ logger.debug("Validating extension: %s", data.extension.ext_name) if data.extension.ext_name != logger.warning( "Disabled extension %(ep)s: entry point name (%(ep)s) " "does not match extension name (%(ext)s)", {"ep":, "ext": data.extension.ext_name}, ) return False try: data.entry_point.require() except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound as exc: "Disabled extension %s: Dependency %s not found", data.extension.ext_name, exc, ) return False except pkg_resources.VersionConflict as exc: if len(exc.args) == 2: found, required = exc.args "Disabled extension %s: %s required, but found %s at %s", data.extension.ext_name, required, found, found.location, ) else: "Disabled extension %s: %s", data.extension.ext_name, exc ) return False try: data.extension.validate_environment() except exceptions.ExtensionError as exc:"Disabled extension %s: %s", data.extension.ext_name, exc) return False except Exception: logger.exception( "Validating extension %s failed with an exception.", data.extension.ext_name, ) return False if not data.config_schema: logger.error( "Extension %s does not have a config schema, disabling.", data.extension.ext_name, ) return False elif not isinstance(data.config_schema.get("enabled"), config_lib.Boolean): logger.error( 'Extension %s does not have the required "enabled" config' " option, disabling.", data.extension.ext_name, ) return False for key, value in data.config_schema.items(): if not isinstance(value, config_lib.ConfigValue): logger.error( "Extension %s config schema contains an invalid value" ' for the option "%s", disabling.', data.extension.ext_name, key, ) return False if not data.config_defaults: logger.error( "Extension %s does not have a default config, disabling.", data.extension.ext_name, ) return False return True