from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Protocol, TypeVar
from abc import abstractmethod
from import Iterable
class Comparable(Protocol):
def __lt__(self: CT, other: CT, /) -> bool: ...
T = TypeVar("T")
CT = TypeVar("CT", bound=Comparable)
# TODO: add validate regexp?
def validate_required(value: Any, required: bool) -> None:
"""Validate that ``value`` is set if ``required``.
Normally called in :meth:`~mopidy.config.types.ConfigValue.deserialize` on
the raw string, _not_ the converted value.
if required and not value:
msg = "must be set."
raise ValueError(msg)
def validate_choice(value: T, choices: Iterable[T] | None) -> None:
"""Validate that ``value`` is one of the ``choices``.
Normally called in :meth:`~mopidy.config.types.ConfigValue.deserialize`.
if choices is not None and value not in choices:
names = ", ".join(repr(c) for c in choices)
msg = f"must be one of {names}, not {value}."
raise ValueError(msg)
def validate_minimum(value: CT, minimum: CT | None) -> None:
"""Validate that ``value`` is at least ``minimum``.
Normally called in :meth:`~mopidy.config.types.ConfigValue.deserialize`.
if minimum is not None and value < minimum:
msg = f"{value!r} must be larger than {minimum!r}."
raise ValueError(msg)
def validate_maximum(value: CT, maximum: CT | None) -> None:
"""Validate that ``value`` is at most ``maximum``.
Normally called in :meth:`~mopidy.config.types.ConfigValue.deserialize`.
if maximum is not None and value > maximum:
msg = f"{value!r} must be smaller than {maximum!r}."
raise ValueError(msg)