mopidy.models — Data models

These immutable data models are used for all data transfer within the Mopidy backends and between the backends and the MPD frontend. All fields are optional and immutable. In other words, they can only be set through the class constructor during instance creation. Additionally fields are type checked.

If you want to modify a model, use the replace() method. It accepts keyword arguments for the parts of the model you want to change, and copies the rest of the data from the model you call it on. Example:

>>> from mopidy.models import Track
>>> track1 = Track(name='Christmas Carol', length=171)
>>> track1
Track(artists=[], length=171, name='Christmas Carol')
>>> track2 = track1.replace(length=37)
>>> track2
Track(artists=[], length=37, name='Christmas Carol')
>>> track1
Track(artists=[], length=171, name='Christmas Carol')

Data model relations

digraph model_relations {
Ref -> Album [ style="dotted", weight=1 ]
Ref -> Artist [ style="dotted", weight=1 ]
Ref -> Directory [ style="dotted", weight=1 ]
Ref -> Playlist [ style="dotted", weight=1 ]
Ref -> Track [ style="dotted", weight=1 ]

Playlist -> Track [ label="has 0..n", weight=2 ]
Track -> Album [ label="has 0..1", weight=10 ]
Track -> Artist [ label="has 0..n", weight=10 ]
Album -> Artist [ label="has 0..n", weight=10 ]


SearchResult -> Artist [ label="has 0..n", weight=1 ]
SearchResult -> Album [ label="has 0..n", weight=1 ]
SearchResult -> Track [ label="has 0..n", weight=1 ]

TlTrack -> Track [ label="has 1", weight=20 ]

Data model API

class mopidy.models.Ref(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Model to represent URI references with a human friendly name and type attached. This is intended for use a lightweight object “free” of metadata that can be passed around instead of using full blown models.

  • uri (string) – object URI

  • name (string) – object name

  • type (string) – object type

ALBUM = 'album'

Constant used for comparison with the type field.

ARTIST = 'artist'

Constant used for comparison with the type field.

DIRECTORY = 'directory'

Constant used for comparison with the type field.

PLAYLIST = 'playlist'

Constant used for comparison with the type field.

TRACK = 'track'

Constant used for comparison with the type field.

classmethod album(**kwargs)[source]

Create a Ref with type ALBUM.

classmethod artist(**kwargs)[source]

Create a Ref with type ARTIST.

classmethod directory(**kwargs)[source]

Create a Ref with type DIRECTORY.


The object name. Read-only.

classmethod playlist(**kwargs)[source]

Create a Ref with type PLAYLIST.

classmethod track(**kwargs)[source]

Create a Ref with type TRACK.


The object type, e.g. “artist”, “album”, “track”, “playlist”, “directory”. Read-only.


The object URI. Read-only.

class mopidy.models.Track(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]
  • uri (string) – track URI

  • name (string) – track name

  • artists (list of Artist) – track artists

  • album (Album) – track album

  • composers (list of Artist) – track composers

  • performers (list of Artist) – track performers

  • genre (string) – track genre

  • track_no (integer or None if unknown) – track number in album

  • disc_no (integer or None if unknown) – disc number in album

  • date (string) – track release date (YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD)

  • length (integer or None if there is no duration) – track length in milliseconds

  • bitrate (integer) – bitrate in kbit/s

  • comment (string) – track comment

  • musicbrainz_id (string) – MusicBrainz ID

  • last_modified (integer or None if unknown) – Represents last modification time


The track Album. Read-only.


A set of track artists. Read-only.


The track’s bitrate in kbit/s. Read-only.


The track comment. Read-only.


A set of track composers. Read-only.


The track release date. Read-only.


The disc number in the album. Read-only.


The track genre. Read-only.


Integer representing when the track was last modified. Exact meaning depends on source of track. For local files this is the modification time in milliseconds since Unix epoch. For other backends it could be an equivalent timestamp or simply a version counter.


The track length in milliseconds. Read-only.


The MusicBrainz ID of the track. Read-only.


The track name. Read-only.


A set of track performers`. Read-only.


The track number in the album. Read-only.


The track URI. Read-only.

class mopidy.models.Album(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]
  • uri (string) – album URI

  • name (string) – album name

  • artists (list of Artist) – album artists

  • num_tracks (integer or None if unknown) – number of tracks in album

  • num_discs (integer or None if unknown) – number of discs in album

  • date (string) – album release date (YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD)

  • musicbrainz_id (string) – MusicBrainz ID


A set of album artists. Read-only.


The album release date. Read-only.


The MusicBrainz ID of the album. Read-only.


The album name. Read-only.


The number of discs in the album. Read-only.


The number of tracks in the album. Read-only.


The album URI. Read-only.

class mopidy.models.Artist(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]
  • uri (string) – artist URI

  • name (string) – artist name

  • sortname (string) – artist name for sorting

  • musicbrainz_id (string) – MusicBrainz ID


The MusicBrainz ID of the artist. Read-only.


The artist name. Read-only.


Artist name for better sorting, e.g. with articles stripped


The artist URI. Read-only.

class mopidy.models.Playlist(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]
  • uri (string) – playlist URI

  • name (string) – playlist name

  • tracks (list of Track elements) – playlist’s tracks

  • last_modified (int) – playlist’s modification time in milliseconds since Unix epoch


The playlist modification time in milliseconds since Unix epoch. Read-only.

Integer, or None if unknown.

property length

The number of tracks in the playlist. Read-only.


The playlist name. Read-only.


The playlist’s tracks. Read-only.


The playlist URI. Read-only.

class mopidy.models.Image(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]
  • uri (string) – URI of the image

  • width (int) – Optional width of image or None

  • height (int) – Optional height of image or None


Optional height of the image or None. Read-only.


The image URI. Read-only.


Optional width of the image or None. Read-only.

class mopidy.models.TlTrack(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

A tracklist track. Wraps a regular track and it’s tracklist ID.

The use of TlTrack allows the same track to appear multiple times in the tracklist.

This class also accepts it’s parameters as positional arguments. Both arguments must be provided, and they must appear in the order they are listed here.

This class also supports iteration, so your extract its values like this:

(tlid, track) = tl_track
  • tlid (int) – tracklist ID

  • track (Track) – the track


The tracklist ID. Read-only.


The track. Read-only.

class mopidy.models.SearchResult(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]
  • uri (string) – search result URI

  • tracks (list of Track elements) – matching tracks

  • artists (list of Artist elements) – matching artists

  • albums (list of Album elements) – matching albums


The albums matching the search query. Read-only.


The artists matching the search query. Read-only.


The tracks matching the search query. Read-only.


The search result URI. Read-only.

Data model helpers

class mopidy.models.ValidatedImmutableObject(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Superclass for immutable objects whose fields can only be modified via the constructor. Fields should be Field instances to ensure type safety in our models.

Note that since these models can not be changed, we heavily memoize them to save memory. So constructing a class with the same arguments twice will give you the same instance twice.


Replace the fields in the model and return a new instance.


# Returns a track with a new name
# Return an album with a new number of tracks

Note that internally we memoize heavily to keep memory usage down given our overly repetitive data structures. So you might get an existing instance if it contains the same values.


kwargs (any) – kwargs to set as fields on the object

Return type:

instance of the model with replaced fields

Data model (de)serialization


Automatically deserialize Mopidy models from JSON.


>>> import json
>>> json.loads(
...     '{"a_track": {"__model__": "Track", "name": "name"}}',
...     object_hook=model_json_decoder)
{u'a_track': Track(artists=[], name=u'name')}
class mopidy.models.ModelJSONEncoder(*, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, default=None)[source]

Automatically serialize Mopidy models to JSON.


>>> import json
>>> json.dumps({'a_track': Track(name='name')}, cls=ModelJSONEncoder)
'{"a_track": {"__model__": "Track", "name": "name"}}'

Data model field types

class mopidy.models.fields.Field(default=None, type=None, choices=None) None[source]

Base field for use in ValidatedImmutableObject. These fields are responsible for type checking and other data sanitation in our models.

For simplicity fields use the Python descriptor protocol to store the values in the instance dictionary. Also note that fields are mutable if the object they are attached to allow it.

Default values will be validated with the exception of None.

class mopidy.models.fields.String(default=None) None[source]

Specialized Field which is wired up for bytes and unicode.


default (str | None) – default value for field

class mopidy.models.fields.Identifier(default=None) None[source]

Field for storing values such as GUIDs or other identifiers.

Values will be interned.


default (str | None) – default value for field

class mopidy.models.fields.URI(default=None, type=None, choices=None) None[source]

Field for storing URIs.

Values will be interned, currently not validated.


default (Optional[TypeVar(T)]) – default value for field

class mopidy.models.fields.Date(default=None) None[source]

Field for storing ISO 8601 dates as a string.

Supported formats are YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM and YYYY, currently not validated.


default (str | None) – default value for field

class mopidy.models.fields.Integer(default=None, min=None, max=None) None[source]

Field for storing integer numbers.

  • default – default value for field

  • min – field value must be larger or equal to this value when set

  • max – field value must be smaller or equal to this value when set

class mopidy.models.fields.Collection(type, container=<class 'tuple'>) None[source]

Field for storing collections of a given type.

  • type (type) – all items stored in the collection must be of this type

  • container (Callable[[], tuple | frozenset]) – the type to store the items in